Pre-qualified bidders for The Eastern Province project & Al-Ahsa Independent Strategic Water Reservoir (ISWR)
SWPC is pleased to announce the prequalified bidders (Lead, Technical or Other Members) for The Eastern Province project & Al-Ahsa Independent Strategic Water Reservoir (ISWR) project as follow: S. No. Name of Applicant and Members 1 Abdulaziz Alajlan Sons Co. for Commercial & Real Estate Investment 2 Metscco Heavy Steel Industries Co. Ltd. 3 Al […]
سمو أمير منطقة جازان يدشن مشروع محطة الشقيق 3

دشن الأمير محمد بن ناصر بن عبدالعزيز، أمير منطقة جازان 20 مشروعاً تنموياً جديداً لخدمات بيئية ومائية وزراعية في منطقة جازان، وبحضور معالي وزير البيئة والمياه والزراعة المهندس عبدالرحمن بن عبدالمحسن الفضلي، بتكلفة إجمالية تجاوزت 3.6 مليار ريال. وأكد وزير البيئة والمياه والزراعة بحسب بيان نقلته وكالة الأنباء السعودية “واس أن المشروعات المائية التي دشنها أمير منطقة جازان […]
Prince of Jazan region inaugurates Al Shuqaiq 3 project

Prince Muhammad bin Nasser bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Jazan Region, inaugurated 20 new development projects for environmental, water and agricultural services in Jazan region, in the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadhli, at a total cost of more than 3.6 billion riyals. The Minister of […]
Pre-qualified bidders for The Eastern Province project & Al-Ahsa Independent Strategic Water Reservoir (ISWR)
SWPC is pleased to announce the prequalified bidders (Lead, Technical or Other Members) for The Eastern Province project & Al-Ahsa Independent Strategic Water Reservoir (ISWR) project as follow: S. No. Name of Applicant and Members 1 Abdulaziz Alajlan Sons Co. for Commercial & Real Estate Investment 2 Metscco Heavy Steel Industries Co. Ltd. 3 Al […]
RFQ has been issued to the interested companies for The Eastern Province project & Al-Ahsa Independent Strategic Water Reservoir
SWPC is pleased to announce that the Request for Qualification (RFQ) for The Eastern Province project & Al-Ahsa Independent Strategic Water Reservoir has been issued to the interested companies. Application for pre-qualification is open, on an individual basis or as a Consortium, to all entities which have submitted an expression of interest, or any such […]
List of the interested companies who submitted EOIs for Al-Ahsa & The Eastern Province project Independent Strategic Water Reservoir
A total of 21companies, including 10 Saudi companies, expressed their interest in The Al-Ahsa Eastern & Province project ISWR as follows: AAW & PARTNERS . Abdul Aziz Al Ajlan Sons Co. for Commercial & Real Estate Investment – Ajlan & Bros. Alfanar Co. Alghanim International General Trading and Contracting Co. W.L.L. Alkhorayef Water and Power […]