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His Excellency the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Water Partnership Company, Eng. Abdul Rahman bin Abdul MohsenA. Al-Fadhli, signed today, Thursday 30/4/2020, the project agreements for the phase 3(A) of the Jubail independent water plant, . the third phase (A) for the independent water production that will be establishedThe Plant will be constructed in Jubail, Eastern Province, with a production capacity Productivity of 600,000 thousand cubic meters m 3 /day of desalinated water daily, with the best bidder.

Eng. Al-Fadhli explained that the signing of these agreements comes in implementation of the decisions ofis based on approval if the Council of Ministers.

Also, this projects lies within the Ministry’s plans to increase the offering to the private sector of , and in order to achieve the goals and plans of the Ministry to put waterwater production and wastewater treatment projects in front of investors in the various regions ofacross the Kingdom.

The signing of today’s project agreements is an extension to the pipeline of previous projects , and it is an extension of the signed ing of previous projects with the participation of the private sector, thus playing a in developing this vital role in developing the sector, and increasing its private sector contribution to sustainable economic development, .improving service levels and achieving greater efficiency in

government spending which thus contributing the Kingdom's Vision 2030.

Whereas, these projects that the environment, water and agriculture system is implementing with the participation of the private sector come to achieve the goals of the Kingdom's 2030 vision, as well as improving the quality of services and raising the efficiency of spending, by benefiting from the experiences of the private sector in the establishment, operation and management.

Eng. Al-Fadhli pointed outwent on to sat that the signing of these agreements comes is a new phase in executing the water projects transaction pipeline in implementation of Cabinet decisions, and in order to achieve the goals and plans of the environment, water and agriculture system to put water production and wastewater treatment projects in front of investors in different regions of the Kingdom, and it comes as an extension of the signing of previous projects, as this is the seventh water/waste water production agreement to be signed with the private sector during The the past two years., with the participation of the private sector in developing this vital sector, and increasing its contribution to development, as the environment, water and agriculture system works to implement these projects with the participation of the private sector in order to achieve the goals of the Kingdom's 2030 vision, as it aims to improve N the quality of services and raise the efficiency of spending, taking advantage of private sector expertise in construction, operation and management.

The CEO of the Saudi Water Partnership Company Eng. Khaled bin Zwaid Al-Qureshi indicated that the project, which was proposed to thetendered to investors in the system ofunder a building, -ownership and -operateion (BOO) structure , had been submitted to him by received 55 EoI’s from interested companies, including 19 Saudi companies. , and 10 applicants were qualified, and the alliance had been chosen.

The preferred bidder was chosen after a competition that took place betweenfrom 4 alliances, including 5 local companies and 4 international companies were competing for the tender.

The , adding that the winning alliance consists of the project consists of Water Power and International Energy Company "Aqua ACWA Power" -, Gulf Investment Corporation – and Al-Bawani Water and Energy Company., explaining that tThe project will be using based on Reverse Osmosis technology.

It will " Reverse Osmosis "servesprovide potable water pain You will benefit in both the eastern region, and the Riyadh and Qassim regions. Also, this strategic project will include solar energy units to reduce electricity consumption from the grid, in addition to water tanks with a production capacity of one operating day. Al-Qureshi said that employment production will start in during the fourth quarter ofQ4 2022 AD, and that the agreement period will be 25 years. , and it will contribute to achieving high levels of continuous production, reducing levels of electric energy consumption and operating costs, in addition to supporting local content by increasing the percentage of localization in business and human resources. The agreements signed today at the Ministry’s headquarters in the office of His Excellency are considered within the partnerships between the public and private sectors that the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture intends to put before the investors, and the supervisory committee to allocate the environment, water and agriculture sector during the past months has completed the development of a strategy to allocate the sectors of the system in line with the objectives of " Vision 2030.

The CEO of the National Center for Privatization and PPP (NCP), a member of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Water Partnership company, Eng. Rayan bin MohammedM. Naqadi, pointed to the great efforts by NCP to establish a system of partnership between the public and private sectors and the applicationPublic Private Partnership framework in accordance of internationalto international best practices, noting that since the center set the encompassing standards, frameworks and legislation for the partnership between the public and private sectorsthat have contributed to the signing of Contracts for allocating a number of projects have been signed in several sectors; with a large number of projects in the , most of them in the environment, water and agriculture sector. , and that These projects will contribute the Kingdom is steadfastly moving towards implementing the greatly towards Saudi Vision 2030. , and wWe have confidence in reaching what we aspireour aspirations by 2030; to diversify the national economy, and generate More more job opportunities and increase local content.In this project alone, My critics concluded that the local content of this initiative amounts tois 40% in the field ofduring construction, and 50% in human resources during the first five years then and increases to 70% during the remaining period of the agreement. years.

This initiative is an extension of the allocation and partnership processes between the public and private sectors in the environment, water and agriculture sectors whose agreements are signed, after the completion of the signing of several projects for the independent water production and wastewater treatment

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