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Al-Haer ISTP Prices Announcement

Al-Haer ISTP Prices Announcement

SWPC is pleased to announce the evaluation completion of the submitted proposals by the Bidders for Al-Haer ISTP Project with treatment capacity of 200,000 m3 per day. As a part of SWPC’s objectives to enhance the utilization of Treated Sewage Effluent, the project includes TSE re-use system consisting of 32 km transmission pipeline with a capacity of 400,000 m3, pumping station and TSE reservoir tanks with a capacity of 200,000 m3. The project targets the commercial operation by the third quarter of 2026.

As a result, SWPC announces the names of both Preferred Bidder and Reserved Bidder in addition to their Levelized Treatment Charges. Moreover, SWPC thanks the participating bidders and looks forward to their participation in the company’s current and future projects.


Levelized Cost (in SAR/m3)

Consortium Status


Miahona and BESIX Consortium

Preferred Bidder

2.2041 Acciona and TAWZEA Consortium

Reserved Bidder


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